parking dorval

Contacter l'auteur de la pétition

Ce sujet de conversation a été automatiquement créé pour la pétition parking dorval.


#1 The form for signing

2016-04-21 22:40

If the form is written in english, i will sign

L'auteur de cette pétition

#2 Re: The form for signing

2016-04-21 23:25

#1: Peter - The form for signing 

 Hi Peter, 

English version below.



2016-04-22 11:55

Glad someone finally started a petition about this. The Taxis have way more space on Bourke than needed and they don't even use during the entire day. The parking restriction at 8am is way too early I find, not all people have regular working hours, this should be pushed to 10 am; actually I don't understand why a 7 hour restriction is needed on a weekday. Why not have it be a 2 hour or 3 hour restriction? The whole parking situation looks like a money grab by the city.
L'auteur de cette pétition

#4 Re:

2016-04-23 13:45

#3: -  

 Thanks for your comment. We need more people to sign the petition. Everyone can sign: all living in one appartment, family and friends (visitors). 

L'auteur de cette pétition

#5 Signatures

2016-04-23 13:48

We need more people to sign the petition. Everyone can sign: everyone in a household, family and friends (visitors). 

Vous pouvez faire signer tous les individus vivant dans un même appartement. Les visiteurs (famille, amis). Merci!